Sunday, July 26, 2009

The NC Pad

We are pretty much settled into our apartment in Durham. It is is an adorable complex with so many nice people. We are so glad we found it!
Here are some pictures (sorry about the lighting):

Walking into the apartment.The kitchen.
The living room from the kitchen.

The family room.

The guest room and den.

Our bedroom.


Heather said... the place. It looks so cute and you have it decorated perfect. Miss you so much, but looks like you guys are getting settled and meeting some nice friends. Can't wait to catch up. Love you!

Jennifer said...

Your place looks fantastic. How is it that you're all decorated AND painted in a few short weeks? We've been here for 5 years.... *sigh* Weren't you supposed to help me before you moved?

Alix Allocco said...

OMG!!! It Looks GREAT. I can't believe your all moved in.